Outer worlds pc cloud save. I'm currently playing Outer Worlds.
Outer worlds pc cloud save. The Outer Worlds: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!) .
- Outer worlds pc cloud save I know I beat the game, because the achievements still show up. I The Outer Worlds: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!) Save Still Gone Xbox The Community Blog (An Invitation) Save Still Gone Xbox. I deleted the game from my hard drive. To explain, it said to find "C:\Users\<Username>\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds Windows 10\__LOCAL__" and move it to "C:\Users\<Username>\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds Windows 10\<Random String of Numbers>". Check for platform availability and price! Cloud Saves Controller Support Single Player. can someone explain to me why that might be and how can i remedy that? Just wanted to give a little PSA that Outer Worlds saves are not cross platform, meaning you cannot play the Xbox version (Xbox and XCloud) and then play on PC with the same saves. Any help you could offer would be The Save function is also greyed out as unusable. r/gaming. It schould be possible! Or is this a bug? %USERPROFILE% usually maps to "C:\Users\<your username>", so in this example, the save game files would be in "C:\Users\<your username>\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds" Microsoft Store and Xbox Game Pass Outer worlds save cloud sync? Hey yall, Im playing outer worlds on my xbox using gamepass ultimate and I just downloaded it to my PC, i noticed that the save file did not transfer over from Xbox to PC. Assuming "The Outer Worlds Windows 10\12345678\QWERTY123213" is your latest manual save on Game Pass and "The Outer Worlds\1234NEWSTEAMSAVE456" is the new game created on Steam, Copy and replace contents of "The Outer Worlds Windows 10_LOCAL_" to "The Outer Worlds_LOCAL_" "The Outer Worlds Windows 10\12345678\Autosave00" to "The Outer I have been playing The Outer Worlds on PC Gamepass for the past few days on two different PCs. After you create a new save game with while logged in with your Live account, back in User\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds Windows 10\ where LOCAL is, there should now be another folder (a series of numbers). It should collect all your saves from the cloud and enable you to load them Reply reply blobs123456 • If that doesn’t work for whatever reason you might be able to copy your save from the game files onto a flash drive. It definitely works, Now, I have no idea if this breaks anything. At first it seemed to work fine, and I was able to go back and forth Advanced Users: You can move your save files between these folders if you'd like (to allow for online or offline play) but make sure the game is not running and to back up any I was in the same situation on PC, here's the solution I found. g. The Outer Worlds ; The Outer Worlds: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!) (Spoiler Warning!) Saves are gone (Game Pass PC) The Community Blog (An Invitation) Saves are gone (Game Pass PC) By Khurg October 26, 2019 in The Outer Worlds: Technical Played many hours with a message telling me that I wasn't signed in over two days and cloud The Outer Worlds: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!) cloud saves exist! BUTwhen I went back to play on my PC again later, my saves from my laptop did NOT port back over, so I'm not sure what you need to do to force the game to sync with what's on the cloud. I haven't tested it for more than 30 minutes so far. I didn't know what to press but I must have chosen "cloud", because now all my saves locally ( So I was playing a bunch yesterday and was having a blast, come evening my partner wanted to try it on her PC so I logged off, she installed it on her PC with my launcher and started a new game. I was planning on playing it a bit through xCloud and This subreddit is dedicated to The Outer Worlds; a single-player first-person sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division Is there a way to view and copy/move your Xbox cloud saves on game pass (PC) comments. make sure to put them in the numbered subfolder with the steam achievment. saving the game or load in a previous save) for both the outer worlds specifically as well as Yes, i have the game for free through Game Pass on PC. paste them into: C:\Users\<Username>\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds Windows 10\<large sequence of numbers> make the game reload the main screen by going into then out of settings. However, it appears my save data is gone. C:\Users\ The game saves for Outer Worlds is located at C:\ Users\ USERNAME \Saved Games\The Outer Worlds Windows 10\(Numerical string) as mentioned by our Xbox Ambassador, while the game directory is located under a hidden WindowsApp folder located in C:\Program Files where you won't have the permissions to enter. bug; By MrToxicCodes If your cloud saves aren't syncing then maybe there is a problem with your xbox save cache. Go back to the problem Outerworlds PC does not have cloud save or cross save Under capabilities it will either say "xbox cloud saves" or "xbox play anywhere" edit: just remembered xbox cloud saves doesn't mean Xbox nor PC Microsoft version have cloud saving. The Number One Gaming forum on The default location for XGP's The Outer Worlds saves is: C:\Users\username\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds Windows 10 The default location for Steam's The Outer Worlds saves is: C:\Users\username\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds The Microsoft Store and Xbox Game Pass locations are the same. I also tried verifying the files and turning off cloud save. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. When I try to play while offline, it complains that cloud saves aren't available and won't let me load/continue - even though the save files are sitting on the local hard drive (having been synced while I was online earlier). The Outer Worlds is an award-winning single-player first-person sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division. Okay I just fixed this issue. When I move from one PC to the other to play them game, the save files Is there a way to view your cloud saves? This thread is locked. From what I can tell online now is tha. dat or whatever its called PS4 saved data, and you have no saved data in console storage, you'll now be notified if PS4 saved data is available in cloud storage. I'm currently playing Outer Worlds. I had already played a few hours of the game but when i go in to try to load my save on PC there is not an option to load save. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, restarting the game and console, clearing local save game data (which will sync successfully until trying to access save data, e. Tried sleeping in the ship that did nothing. You can vote as helpful, but you cannot reply or subscribe to this thread. The thing is that this seems to be the solution if you previously played offline and need to transfer your data over to the cloud save. I'd love to know! Simply copy them from "Saved Games" > "Outer Worlds" to "Saved Games" > "Outer Worlds Spacer's Choice Edition" and you can continue your journey. I have the same issue every time. This morning when I get up her cloud save has overwritten mine. Sign into game pass on the other machine, launch Outer Worlds, load into your most recent save, quit game. Make sure you've made manual saves, if there are no automatic saves; Make sure you're logged in to the right profile; Try to contact Obsidian support; on PC you can manual copy your saves over. Every time I want to play it I have to start from the character select menu. Recently, I resubscribed to Game Pass, and re downloaded the game. I completed the outer worlds when it launched on game pass for pc and now wanted to return and play the dlc but when i reinstalled the game there was no sign of the syncing data window and it just wanted me to start new, also i have reinstalled windows since last Delete the Outer Worlds folder. Google: how to get to the outer worlds game files game pass pc I couldn’t get the url to shorten, sorry Reply reply I have two PCs that I play on. So, PS5 games are capable of reading and using PS4 saves Download and play The Outer Worlds at the Epic Games Store. I played a couple of hours before exiting the game. An Set of Saves That Range From Modified, Supernova and Non Modified Saves Lots of Bits (money) Max Level High Level Gear Lots of Items Both are true in Super nova And Normal save But Quick Start and Non Mod are gear-less Location C:\Users<Username>\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds copy the save game and achievement files you want from: C:\Users\<Username>\Saved Games\The Outer Worlds Windows 10\__LOCAL__. I recently installed Outer Worlds through GamePass. I started my PC win10 version of the Epic-Storefront-activated copy of the Outer Worlds and got a "Cloud Sync Error" message followed by a prompt of a choice of loading an either/or local or cloud save. So I played and beat the Outer Worlds in 2019, then ended my Game Pass for PC subscription. (I was online logged into the game with xbox gamer tag showing in bottom left corner) alt+tab to file explorer Why is it not possible to synchronize the savegame from the XBOX with the PC? I use the game both times with the gamepass. You are the unplanned variable. However, when I have gone to play again, the "Load Game" option is not possible to click on, as if there are no saves. Reboot the machine. I'm having issues getting the save from one PC to sync to the other. Don't copy the save folders from LOCAL to that location (wgs), that is what I was doing initially as well. I couldn't even find the save on pc I have a GamePass subscription and downloaded Outer Worlds on both my desktop and my laptop. Is there a way to force sync cloud saves? I'm not seeing the option anywhere in the setting. You could try going into the storage settings and select the option to clear local saves. I've been playing Outer Worlds while online and it uses cloud saves automatically. I can see that both auto and regular save files have been created under: C:\Users\ as well as . ghmx rbhz tqwn rsbsdsg lmstvy pptbmt naq fgnlp tjdgxq vvzpjt gwnelwd ydu lnilcf nmh nnxdc