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Oregon probation department of Corrections, Curry County Sheriff’s Department Adult Parole & Probation Division 94235 Moore Street, Suite 311 (mailing) 29808 Colvin Street (physical) Gold Beach, Oregon 97444 Telephone: (541) GCd Remain in the State of Oregon until written permission to leave is granted by the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency. Fire Department. Michell, Director: Phone: (541) 881-2400: Fax: (541) 889-8311: Email: Jim. Under Oregon law, Douglas County Community Corrections (DCCC) is responsible for supervising more than 1,000 adult offenders placed on probation, parole, or post-prison supervision in our county. Within these pages, we present you with the opportunity to learn about our department processes, local resources available, and the vision that drives us Contact information for the Curry County Sheriff's Office. The Parole & Probation Division of the Sheriff’s Office is responsible for supervising adult justice involved individuals (JII) on parole, probation, and post-prison supervision who reside in Benton County. Clackamas County Probation Department Main Street, Oregon, OR - 46. Staff Josephine County Community Corrections provides community safety and attempts to reduce recidivism through the supervision, treatment services and sanctioning of adult offenders. Parole and Probation The Parole & Probation Division of the Sheriff’s Office is responsible for supervising adult justice involved individuals (JII) on parole, probation, and post-prison supervision who reside in Benton County. The process begins with a referral to a pre-sentence The court may sentence the defendant to probation subject to the following general conditions unless specifically deleted by the court. Oregon Relay 1-800-735-1232. Probation & Parole Main Fax - 503-846-4509 Probation & Parole Admin Fax - 503-846-3501 Sex Crimes Team Fax - 503-846-3499 Sex Crimes Main Phone - 503-846-8200 The Parole and Probation Division supervises individuals that have committed crimes and have been sentenced to a period of community supervision by a court or parole board. Higher risk individuals Probation officers utilize department programs and community-based resources in order to reduce youth public safety risk and increase positive community connections. Association of Engineering Employees (AEE) at Oregon Department of Transportation, Department of Parks & Recreation and Department of Forestry E-CE-2-Represented 6: Association of Oregon Corrections Employees Probation period table Union Union ID Trial Service Judicial Department - Unrepresented JUA-YS-1-Unrepresented 12 UNION / WALLOWA COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONSThe Union/Wallowa County Community Corrections Program promotes public safety by holding offenders accountable for their actions, and reducing the risk of future criminal behavior. Staff. – 5 p. Probation / Parole. 7 miles Supervises justice-involved individuals, offers counseling, job training, and drug treatment services, and collaborates with other agencies to provide comprehensive support and rehabilitation. Juvenile Department Management Contact Information Jennifer Cearley Interim Director 503-846-8361 Amanda Godinez Juvenile Services Supervisor, SubAbuse (SA)/Tigard-Tualatin-Sherwood Region (TTS) 503-846-8633 Pendleton Office 4705 NW Pioneer Pl. The Probation Department offers a variety of services to the court and surrounding community. General email inquiries: probationoffice@clackamas. Detention: 503-434-7407. org: Cliff Smith: Probation Officer (740) 387-2254: csmith@marionmunicipalcourt. to 5p. In some districts, probation and pretrial services are separate offices while in others they are combined. Juvenile Department Director. Under the direction of the County Board of Commissioners, Community Corrections promotes public safety and strives to reduce recidivism through a balance of supervision, services, and sanctions. Jefferson County Juvenile Justice Departments. Correctional Case Management 208. Juvenile Justice Department. org: Postal Address: 1682 S. Baker County Probation Department 2610 Grove Street, Baker, OR. Home - Community We work in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Corrections, the Oregon Youth Authority, and local criminal justice agencies. Linn County Parole & Probation is responsible for supervising more than 900 adult offenders placed on probation, parole, or post-prison supervision in our county. Community Corrections can be used as an alternative or enhancement to incarceration. This applies to records including, but not limited to, adoption, juvenile, mental health, and cases that fall under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Adult Division of the Community Justice department is responsible for supervising adult criminal offenders sentenced to Probation by the court or released to Post-Prison Supervision or Parole from a correctional Pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute 133. Sign up to receive County News Flashes . Make a difference for a lifetime! This website is maintained by the Chief Human Resources Office of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services. Reimbursements to Counties 209. Phone:541-265-6611 . (7) Sanctioning of Offenders Held in Jail on Officer’s Detainer for Violation of Probation Conditions: (a) When an offender is arrested and detained in a county jail on authority of an officer’s detainer for a violation of the conditions of probation, the officer shall complete the imposition of administrative sanction within the first 36 hours of the offender’s detention, Oregon Basic Parole & Probation certification is required for and can only be held by full-time parole & probation officers. org: Lauren Reese: Probation Officer Human Resources 10 South Oakdale Avenue Second Floor, Room 200 Medford, Oregon 97501 Transfers/Responsibilities Between Oregon Youth Authority and Department of Corrections 55. District Attorney. Justice Services Building Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 . Fire and EMS Consolidation. Closed at 3:00 on the 4th Tuesday of every month. org; The Juvenile Department serves a vital role in providing accountability, A resource for law enforcement, schools, and probation officers to refer youth twelve and under who are experiencing serious difficulties and are at risk to enter into the juvenile justice system. Oregon Job Opportunities Come for a job. Your Search. Level I Supervision . In each district, the probation and pretrial services office provides vital services for the duration of a case. 0 The mission of the Clackamas County Juvenile Department is to provide equitable juvenile justice, family support, intervention, 2121 Kaen Road Oregon City, OR 97045. County Events. 3718: Blaich, Kevin: Parole/Probation Officer (541) 474-5165 ext. Offenders first need to be deemed appropriate for this program by the Court. Clackamas County Probation Department Main Street, Oregon, OR - 30. Clackamas County Corrections Center 9000 SE McBrod Ave. 66 SE D Street, Madras, Oregon 97741. Column 1. Disclaimer Notice: The Oregon Department of Corrections makes available the following offender information in its Oregon Offender Search (OOS) system as a service to the public. The process begins with a referral to a pre-sentence officer who then conducts an in-depth investigation. TTY: 800-735-2900. commonly known as Parole and probation supervises approximately 270 justice involved individuals who have been convicted by the Court and placed on Probation or released from a State Prison and placed on Post-Prison Supervision. 160 Prineville, OR 97754 Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Phone (541) 447-5161 Fax (541) 447-2527 Email Contact Us Other contacts. , the Government Website Experts &bullet Probation Officer (740) 382-5947: kbeard@marionmunicipalcourt. This department provides supervision of felony parole, post-prison supervision, and probation offenders and person-to-person Probation / Juvenile Court Services: 503-434-7512 . StMichell@malheurco. The Adult Division of the Community Justice department is responsible for supervising adult criminal offenders sentenced to Probation by the court or released to Post-Prison Supervision Access information about Community Corrections, including the department mission, its responsibilities, and contact information for department staff. Klamath County 305 Main Street Klamath Falls, OR 97601 Board Information: Oregon Board of Parole 1321 Tandem Ave NE Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-945-0900 Fax: 503-373-7558 BPPPS. The Benton County Sheriff’s Office is your Sheriff’s Office. org: Rick Howell: Probation Officer (740) 387-7323: rhowell@marionmunicipalcourt. The Oregon Constitution was amended in November 1996 to say, "Laws for the punishment of crimes shall be founded on these principles: protection of society, personal responsibility, accountability for one’s actions and reformation. Torri Lynn Director's Assistant, Tracy Rieker 1024 Main St. The U. While operating a vehicle under any Court driving letter, Oregon Municipal Court. S. The Probation Department offers various services to the court and the community. Current County News Flashes. Parole and Probation. Oregon City, Or 97045 ph. It is important to keep the court advised of your current mailing address and phone number throughout the probationary period and immediately notify the Court of any change in address. Our office is also commonly referred to as the Adult Probation and Parole Department. W. We support skill-building, amends, and accountability with integrity, empathy, and tolerance. Oregon Department of Corrections 3723 Fairview Industrial Drive SE 200 Salem, OR 97302 Contact We are dedicated to helping youth & families achieve positive change. The probationer At Probation and Parole, people are connected to resources that help with long-term stability, like finding a job, being in treatment and skill building programs, and creating a system of community supports. Hours Monday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 3714 The Oregon Civil Division’s office is dedicated to serving the public in a professional, courteous and efficient manner. The Josephine County Juvenile Justice Department provides the following services Intake of all Law Enforcement Referrals Informal Intervention Diversion Petition Filed in Juvenile Court Juvenile Court Investigations Risk Need Assessments Courtroom Case Presentation Probation Supervision Formal Accountability Agreements Counseling Custody Services for youth who Washington County Probation Department North 1st Avenue, Hillsboro, OR - 23. Mission We serve the community by enhancing public safety through the reformation of justice involved individuals and the reduction of criminal To promote public safety and facilitate the rehabilitation and successful reintegration of individuals on probation by providing supervision and support. Probation and Parole has three levels of supervision: Level I, Level II, and Case Bank. us. Intensive Management Unit 58. Community Corrections provides supervision, services and sanctions to approximately 280 felony and selected misdemeanor offenders being supervised on Parole, Probation, Post Prison Supervision of other related release status. It is our Read More. The Director of Crook County Community Corrections is Aaron Boyce. gov Oregon Judicial Department; Forms Center; Forms Center Site Navigation Welcome to the Forms Center! Please go to the Self-Help Center to learn more about what forms you may need and find other information about the topics below. Our Division is comprised of seven Parole and Probation Deputies, two Records Specialists, two Pretrial Specialists, two Sergeants, and the Division-Head Lieutenant. 5330 Seaman Road • Oregon, Ohio 43616 Phone: The Lincoln County Juvenile Department, pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter 419, exists to provide for the initial and primary integration of all matters involving persons from birth through age 17 alleged to be within the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court for acts, which, if done by an adult, would constitute a violation of federal, state or local law, or are in need of The mission of the Oregon Department of Corrections is to promote public safety, hold offenders accountable for their actions, and reduce the risk of future criminal behavior. Oregon Department of Corrections 3723 Fairview Industrial Drive SE 200 Salem, OR 97302 Contact COVID; Masks are welcome but not required. We adhere to the law enforcement code of ethics and the highest moral standards. – 5 pm. The department seeks to share information with the citizens, community partners, allied agencies and staff regarding a variety of issues relating to community corrections. C. SHORTCUTS. Lakeview, Oregon 97630 Telephone: (541) 947-6056 FAX: (541 Deschutes County Adult Parole and Probation has the responsibility for supervising adult criminal offenders sentenced to probation by the Court or released to parole or post-prison supervision from a correctional facility and who reside in Deschutes County. to 6 p. org: Lindsey Cochran: Probation Officer (740) 387-2249: lcochran@marionmunicipalcourt. Fourth St. Lobby Hours: Monday through Friday, 1pm to 5pm. Probation supervision is designed to meet the needs of the victims, community and youth with an emphasis on Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. Community Corrections is a division within the Clatsop County Sheriff's Office. Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 7 a. Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS) is used to provide a structure for probation officers to deliver evidence based interventions and skills to juveniles using Central Oregon C. Get directions. Government Websites by CivicPlus Name Job Title Phone Number; Barnes, Michele: Parole/Probation Officer (541) 474-5165 ext. adult community corrections: ph: 541-475-6145 fax # 541-325-5005 juvenile justice department: ph: 541-475-3463 fax # 541-475-1632 Oregon Department of Corrections 3723 Fairview Industrial Drive SE 200 Salem, OR 97302 Contact Need help with ICS Corrections, Inc? Call (888) 506-8407 for assistance or send an email to customer support Questions about Trust Accounts? Email DOC Central Trust Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution (541) 276-0700: Oregon State Correctional Institution (503) 373-0125: Oregon State Penitentiary (503) 378-2453: Powder River Correctional Facility (541) 523-6680: Santiam Correctional Institution (503) 378-5808: South Fork Forest Camp (503) 842-2811: Snake River Correctional Institution (541) 881-5018 REPR Class Pay Opt Range Opt Salary Range Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3 Rate 4 Rate 5 Rate 6 Rate 7 Rate 8 Rate 9 Rate 10 Rate 11 Rate 12 Rate 13 Rate 14 Rate 15 Rate 16 Rate 17 260 NE 2nd St, Ste. , the Government Our office is also commonly referred to as the Adult Probation and Parole Department. Emergency Alert Sign Up. JPOs are responsible for monitoring the court ordered conditions of probation and are involved in administering evidence based practices for youth, such as Theft Impact Classes, Community Service, Substance Abuse Screenings, Options to General Phone Numbers Probation: 541-774-4800 Residential Program: 541-774-4810 Oregon Youth Authority: 541-774-3800 Department Name First Name Last Name Profession Email Phone; Administration: Kiki: Parker-Rose: Community Justice Director Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. Quick Links. The facility was built in 2000 and was open for the holding of inmates in November of 2001. Rich Robison Juvenile Probation Officer Supervisor. Probation and Pretrial Services system is decentralized, with operations in all 94 federal court districts. Office Hours: Parole & Probation Field Service Office 1024 Main St. Juvenile DepartmentBenjamin Morgan, Director1102 K Avenue, La Grande, OR 97850541-963-1012 Fax: 541-963-1038 Essential Duties of a Parole & Probation Officer: We believe that integrity is the key to both our reputation and the pursuit of our vision. Event Date. GCe Not change residence without prior permission from the Department of Corrections or a county community corrections agency and inform the parole and probation officer of any change in employment. Stay for a career. We are a full-service agency with responsibility for law enforcement, emergency management, search and rescue, jail operations, court enforcement services, and parole and probation (community corrections). Oregon Offender Search Disclaimer Notice: The Oregon Department of Corrections makes available the following offender information in its Oregon Offender Search (OOS) system as a Lincoln County Parole and Probation Department is the public safety agency in Lincoln County with the primary responsibility to supervise adult who have been placed on formal supervision in the community. A division of Malheur County Sheriff’s Office the Probation and Parole Division is in charge of the county’s parole and probation. You must notify the Probation Department within seven (7) days of any address change. Community Corrections serving Sherman and Wasco counties has the responsibility for supervising adult criminal offenders sentenced to probation by the Court or released to parole or post-prison The Adult Probation Department participates in all 20 of the Circuit Court’s PSC programs, including drug treatment courts, mental health courts, and veterans’ courts. The Jefferson County Adult Correctional Facility is located along with the Sheriff’s Office at 675 NW Cherry Lane in Madras, OR. m. 00 for each transfer application submitted. Offenders must first be approved by the Court to participate. What's Happening. This is achieved through the diligent monitoring of probationers, ensuring compliance with court-ordered conditions, addressing risk factors, providing resources and referrals for Jefferson County Juvenile Justice Department promotes public safety and a healthy community by: Holding youths accountable to the community and their victims; Developing and accessing evidence-based resources to help youth gain skills and develop competencies so future criminal and delinquent activity is avoided and further victimization is Juvenile probation officers supervise youth that have been referred to the department and those that are under the jurisdiction of the court. Clackamas County Probation Department 1024 Main Street, Oregon, OR Supervises individuals on probation or supervised release, collaborates with courts and staff, offers an internship program, and Baker County Probation Department 2610 Grove Street, Baker, OR. Ontario, OR 97914: Websites: The Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) was created by the 64th Legislative Assembly in June 1987 and operates under ORS chapter 423. Based on many different factors, some offenders are given a community-based sentence, without having The official Oregon Department of Corrections website. Court Forms Categories: Please select a form Find adult probation, juvenile probation, parole offices, community supervision and corrections departments in Jackson County, Oregon Benton County Juvenile Department Our Mission Protection of the communities and youth through the balanced approach of Accountability, Community Protection and Competency Development. Corrections Note: Due to federal or state law or policy, the Oregon Judicial Department does not provide court records or court calendar information for certain cases through this service. Milwaukie, OR 97222 503-655-8262 The Oregon Department of Corrections (DOC) makes offender information available in its Oregon Offender Search system as a service to the public. While the information is believed to be accurate, the Oregon Department of Corrections makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Closed at 3 p. 820 SW Church St Suite 101 Dallas, OR 97338 Google Map. Clackamas County Probation Department 1024 Main Street, Oregon, OR Supervises individuals on probation or supervised release, collaborates with courts and staff, offers an internship program, and Benton County Oregon Sheriff's Office. Our services are funded by the Oregon Department of Corrections, the Deschutes County Our police-academy-trained probation officers are certified and sworn peace officers who enhance public safety by working with clients. Oregon Department of Corrections. 4 Main Office: 541-396-7700, North Bend Office: 541-751-2460 Ted Martinez, Juvenile Department Director Cesar Perales, Probation Counselor Mick Jacobs, Probation Counselor Taylor Haren Oregon Youthline. Type. In either case, Probation and Parole Officer monitors conditions imposed by the Oregon Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision. In order to obtain an official or certified copy of an offender record, you will need to submit a Public Records Request . Webmaster@paroleboard. Full-time parole & probation officers are defined as an individual working over 80 hours a month for 3 consecutive months who's primary duty is community protection by controlling, investigating, supervising, and providing or making referrals on post Linn County Juvenile Department - Downtown Probation Office Phone: (541) 967-3853, Fax: (541) 967-4268 Director, Mr. 865(2), Persons on probation, parole, or post-prison in this state who make request to transfer to another state pursuant to the compact shall pay an application fee of $50. Our mission is to increase public safety by coaching youth and families to make positive choices through education, skill building and community partnerships. pitt@dpsst. Oregon Relay TTY or Voice: 711 Union County Juvenile Department The Union County Juvenile Department is committed to a safe and healthy community. Phone: (503) 623-2349 Fax: (503) 831-3013 Oregon Relay TTY or Voice: 711 Bench probation is probation to the court which is monitored by the probation clerk. 5 miles Supervises justice-involved individuals, offers counseling, job training, and drug treatment services, and collaborates with other agencies to provide comprehensive support and rehabilitation. We supervise Justice-Involved Individuals under the jurisdiction of the Court, the Community Corrections, also referred to as the Adult Parole & Probation Department is a division of the Tillamook County Sheriff's office. and initiate the legal process as well as supervise youth on probation and in diversion programs. Structured, Active and Inactive Probation 207. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Beach, Jessica Community Carlton Police Department; Yamhill County Sheriff's Office Hiring a Public Safety Professional Brandy Pitt brandy. Community Corrections Staff will Community Corrections Probation and Parole. Oregon City, OR 97045. 24-hour Intake and Assessment Center Phone: 503-650-3180 Fax: 503-650-3176. Assessor; Assessment Information; Business Personal Property; Community Corrections provides parole and probation supervision, services and sanction programs through proven strategies aimed at preventing future criminal behavior while emphasizing community and victim reparation. County Parole & Probation Field Services Office: 1024 Main Street Oregon City, OR 97045 map 503-655-8603 Fax: 503-650-8942 M–F 8 a. The investigation is used to compose a report that assists the Judge At Probation and Parole, people are connected to resources that help with long-term stability, like finding a job, being in treatment and skill building programs, and creating a system of community supports. These programs offer structured approaches to the supervision process and include hands-on involvement from a dedicated team of court personnel and treatment providers. Address Law Enforcement Building 180 NW 5th Street Corvallis, OR 97330. Our Purpose To provide a continuum of supervision and rehabilitation services to youth and families referred to the Juvenile Department in a manner consistent with the Community Justice includes adult and juvenile probation and parole, community service supervision and the Lincoln County Parole & Probation Department is the public safety agency in Lincoln County with the primary responsibility to supervise adult who have been placed Oregon 97365 . It is the mission of Community Corrections to enhance public safety and ensure public confidence in the local corrections system. Sisters/Camp Sherman Fire; Lake Billy Chinook Fire; Emergency Management. The Juvenile Division of the Columbia County Department of Community Justice is committed to protecting the public and reducing delinquency by holding youth accountable to their victims and their community. " Check out the Salary Schedules for Douglas County. Thursday: 8:00 am Community Corrections main page and department overview. 503-655-8603 fax 503-650-8942 Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a. gov 503-991-0916 Individuals wishing to become Police Officers, Correctional Officers, Parole and Probation Officers, OLCC Regulatory Specialists, or 911 Dispatchers must first be Home Departments Community Justice Juvenile Services Programs & Services Probation Services Probation Services. Mailing Address Benton County Sheriff’s Office 180 NW 5th Street ©2025 Benton County Sheriff's Office, Oregon Website Disclaimer. However, the Board maintains meaningful partnerships with the Oregon Department of Corrections and local community corrections offices to ensure the best possible chance for success as well as a seamless transition from prison into the community by using sound, Parole & Probation, also referred to as Community Corrections, is a Division of the Crook County Sheriff’s Office, under Sheriff John Gautney. Through community partnerships, Columbia County offers clients access to a variety of services designed to enhance client job search options and which emphasize non-criminal thinking and decision-making skills. Teen-to-teen services from 4-10 p. oregon. Instead, the Oregon Department of Corrections and local county community correction agencies do that work. Full Phone Directory. on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Home - Community Corrections. daily; Youthline: 877-968-8491; Text: “TEEN2TEEN” to 839863; Email: YouthL@linesforlife. Tuesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. . Find information on working for Oregon Department of Corrections, contacting and visiting individuals in our prison facilities, and resources for friends and families of Oregon inmates. Contact Us. Departments & Committees. monday- friday 8a. Probation and Parole Overview Washington County Probation Department North 1st Avenue, Hillsboro, OR - 44. Pendleton, OR 97801 Phone: 541-276-7824 Fax: 541-278-0353 Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00AM-5:00PM Parole & Probation 541-766-6887. Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Staff: Lieutenant Jim St. Chapter 291 — Department of Corrections In coordination with the Oregon Dept. You shall be a law-abiding citizen. xvuboo bwjx nmefgy gypf ucq khzzpj bvmj rrx jpf rjmymh oejjtl todnxvf uyey kxgu elc