Rpf graflex. scottjua Master Member.
Rpf graflex Aug 13, 2022 #141 I don't have the ability to share This graflex went through a ton of changes, and I believe it’s because of marks complaining RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. 0 as well? Reactions: Halliwax. It is not a folmer so I know it won't be 100% accurate but price is reflecting RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. I know this prop Hey Gang! I was going through photos here and on Google looking for a closeup of the original GRAFLEX Luke Skywalker lightsaber in Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope trying Just want to show off and give a big thanks to Scottjua of Crucible Custom Props and NerfWorXLab for the job he did on a early Folmer Graflex I picked up off of eBay a few But basically, the Graflex 3-cell was used for the Luke Skywalker "New Hope" and "Empire Strikes Back" sabers, as well as the Darth Vader "Return of the Jedi" saber. Resources. (Someone correct me if that The Graflex buttons and t-tracks were modeled in Fusion 360 and printed in resin. US shipping only preferred on these ones but might work out international sale. How badly did you muck it up?! J. Both were dressed up with Blast-Tech parts; one Luke ANH, one ESB. Graflex (non folmer) with New York spelled out. If you want ANH you need some good t-tracks (not too expensive) and a bubble strip from Exactra 19/20 calculator It was given a button knob from an older style Graflex (identified by a strip of knurling instead of the usual full knurling), a glass eye, grips, and a clamp to resemble the Graflex, but no bunny ears. May 6, 2017 #1 do you guys think the tape on the graflex clamp is only to cover the graflex logo in the ranch? i mean come RoTJ they didnt care about coving Roman Props ESB Graflex kit, $315 shipped Roman Props Graflex GOTH 3D Designs Graflex MJF Chassis with silk gold PLA board cover Graflex Guide resin printed grip There have been any number of ROTS-style Graflexes, over the years. I reshaped the top, cut it in half and sectioned a little bit for Hi People of the rpf I’m I’m in The process of gathering parts for a all vintage esb graflex lightsaber so for fun I’d love to see esb lightsabers you guys have built Last edited: Dec 30, 2019 Reactions: vader45 RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Feb 9, 2018 #3,461 I can see threads! Reactions: MakBzh, Jediscum and thd9791. 0 for a good price, I decided this would be a good starter to learn saber building. As a prop builder, I find this design much more interesting than the RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. were also used. jas070680 Finally if you EVER want to preserve Same goes for the Graflex. 0 kit So I have recently acquired an old 2 cell Graflex Heiland flash tube that I would like to convert into an ESB Vader lightsaber. All details will be posted below. Oct 7, 2015 #2 I ain't convertin' NOTHIN' 'til this saber shows up on a tour, The reference photo. Based on the orientation of the Graflex saber on Anakins belt, and the orientation of the Graflex saber in the box after Ben digs it up in the The hilt is a Korbanth Graflex 2. What is the correct D-ring for a Luke ANH Graflex saber. Finished my ANH Luke Saber, and am starting on an ESB saber. I was wondering if anyone finds the grip guide helpful and which kit of RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. It sticks like a charm. If you want multiple items I will need to quote you for shipping. So I am planning to remove beer tab from Roman props gen2 flashgun. 0 off of RPF and I want to add sound and light, I found the how to videos on custom saber shop videos on A real Graflex can go from $700 up depending on condition. The reference photo. Sep 6, 2018 #11 I like shiny GRAFLEX flashes and accurate parts. Mar 19, 2020 #1 It's just a 1" D ring. New posts the minute I looked into actually sitting down and learning how to build a saber was back in 2015 (duh) and obviously the Graflex was the one I had to have! as I was scrolling I do not subscribe exclusively to the “Folmer Graflex Orthodoxy”although we know, for certain, that some OT hilts were Folmers, I am sure that some Incs. I built this in the TFA configuration. Media. Feb 4, 2021 #4 Definitely following this thread! Bobdor I did not cut up a graflex, don’t worry. Sep 10, 2023 #1 Edited 4-29-2024. However, RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Replica In my and that the parts were assembled RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Of course the upside would be that the blade would light up the Graflex eye So I found what looks to be a ESB graflex replica lightsaber this weekend. I think I'll try the E6000 for my Vintage Graflex Inc flashgun, with: WannaWanga TFA kobold replica and clamp cover Skywampa clamp card and kobold rivet screws KR RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. An accurate blade plug from thesaberarmory. While waiting I have been browsing both RPF and fx-sabers, along with all RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. 0 is (IIRC) made in his shop and it's designed to be an LED saber from the start. Sym-Cha Master Member. Great forum! I started off this project with a basic Korbanth/Parks Graflex 2. This could cause the Graflex eye to cut into a 1" dia. THE V2 ( belt hanger in ROTJ ) ( sail barge, deleted sandstorm, Endor, & throne RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Comes with all the hardware for an This is the Graflex lightsaber. Forums. there are a few interesting details that I wanted to share and Forums. 2 with about 7 fonts. Apr 4, 2018 #1 They look the same from the outside but the tapered part on the graflex is larger. May 6, 2017 #1 Hi all, Even the graflex shop saber is going to come with a hex head screw for the bunny ears, last i read. It has a Proffie v2. Jun 13, 2015 #21 Picked up my Graflex for a TFA build. Everything else was done with a Dremel tool, dill press, and files. It was wielded by Obi Wan, Luke, Han, Finn, Maz, and Rey in the films. Graflex Variations: Facts and vs. Sep 14, RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. The early Folmer Graflex *is shorter overall slightly, with slightly longer knurling, and a more tapered edge on top. G. I found Goth 3designs after that and found out he designed the RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. I have a few Are you looking for an original Graflex or a replica? There is a run on the RPF for an electronics/blade ready Graflex by Korbanth ($190). Nov 2, 2015 #1 Hey Guys, Wonder if they would work on the Korbanth Graflex 2. 5" diameter tube. FYI- this is a solid build, zero fault on the manufacturing side and more to do with my RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Next was the top button. Ben RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. May 28, 2016 #1 This weekend I decided to try to wrap up a project I've been working on, off and on, for the past few weeks: the "Skywalker Ranch" Luke FS Graflex Inc Clamp Selling a good condition Graflex Inc Clamp £165 plus shipping RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Sep 21, 2015 #1 Okay, so I'm hooked. Thread starter scarf man; Start date Nov 21, Gang, While disassembling a Romans Graflex, I busted the slide switch apart (pics below). The Wampa Cave/Short bladed stunt is . As the years have passed, we have gained more and more knowledge on many of the Graflex based props. Also, the graflex-vader is pretty darn heavy. 0 chassis comes with a rather large “emitter” or blade holder that takes up almost half of the body. Apr 6, 2023 #2 You could use fine steel RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Sep 14, 2013 #2 In the Wampa scene, you can see the printing on the bottom. It's a Graflex Inc. There's no light reflecting off metal from the tube like RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Romans has always delivered the most I have this vintage graflex for sale local to me and would like your opinion on if you would buy it or not. Feb 19, 2023 #1 Hello all! After finding the Korbanth Graflex 2. The Complete Lightsaber Prop Guide by RPF member SethS. Jan 18, 2014 #1 Hi all Has anyone here made their own graflex clamp, Maybe a hardware store version? Ive made some in the past but theyve just been for show not Hey there, I took the time today to look closer at my recently aquired Graflex telegraph. Buy now for 200 USD You don't have the permission to purchase. 1). I was highly inexperienced back then, and the builds were rather RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Sep 28, 2019 #1 Okay, so I've put together what I believe is the most comprehensive list and comparison of all of the Graflex red buttons available since there Just saw several Graflex 3 clamps and Graflex 2 ones and I am wondering if they have the same size, since I want to buy a pair of them for my future Obi-Wan New Hope saber. The ultimate guide for any lightsaber replica prop builder! This document is a work in progress and will be updated every now and then when new information about the original RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. EDITED 4-9-2024 I did a version of Ahsoka's sabers like 6 years ago or so with the same kind of details, Obu Hello, I recently got a new graflex clamp off ebay for a pretty good price but with some mild rust damage, RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Jan 22, 2015 #2 If anyone has any Graflex slave unites (they are just the top part of the saber) PM ME! (cuz I don't think anyone really looks at the WTB section My ESB Graflex went through a couple metamorphoses over the years, with a few different parts swaps. So if there is a definite answer out there maybe I am missing it. I scored a nice Graflex 3-cell for a reasonable price, and RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Jul 29, 2015 #261 Sym-Cha said: I was thinking of getting my old graflex a new version set of pins and glass eye but pictures of the original are What a great idea! I always used a printed guide from The Graflex Bank, but I think I like this better! I also used the double-sided, 3M tape, pre-applied to roman's grips. I’ve been looking at Wannawanga kits (most are sold out). To my eye, it appears the saber body has been sanded with about 320 grit paper, way too heavy. Nov 15, 2021 #381 Regardless of the exact release date, it looks like the "ANH Graflex" version is essentially "Gen3" in terms of how the various RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. I got a Luke ESB Graflex upgrade kit from Wanawanga that came with a lightsaber belt clip. I have a I meant to remember your name because I need a Graflex clamp without sidebars or lever because I have a 'Graflex activation box' milled from Alu but the clamp part is Star Wars Anakin Starkiller’s first V2, MPP parts, Graflex parts. I had a failed attempt at a Luke motorized stunt lying around. I dont think anyone sells exact copies, just ones that look the Yep I am picking a vintage Graflex flash just like this from a buddy of mine it is complete can't wait to get it this will make 3 that I will have just building them is the next thing I The Luke ROTJ sabers, Identification thread * Glossary located at the bottom of the post. It is also 7/8” diameter. Feb 11, 2021 #23 db94 said: The beer tab rivot has that distinctive "Inc" 4 triangle light bounce. I machined a Hello everyone on the RPF, Sorry to burst onto the scene with questions, however I need some advice. Do not press buy Ten years ago, I acquired my very first lightsabers--two Graflex replicas from Larbel. Feb 26, 2018 #4 Ah, that's good information! It's not one of my favorite tells, I prefer Roman's with the relatively minor spacing difference of the RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Hey all, My first post here im looking to attempt my first build I got the graflex 2. This template could be useful. and it was previously my ANH Graflex. I curious to see what the experts say. This meant the red button and glass eye holes were already there. I wish I could get down to see it. Nov 3, 2019 #1 Hello all I am now the owner of a vintage sgraflex flash! This is the fourth vintage graflex I have owned over the yearsI get bored and then RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. I aligned the Graflex in the same direction and the orientation of RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. scottjua Master Member. Just before Christmas (too much brandy in the Xmas pud') I bought an After browsing eBay in the UK I found what I believe was a reasonable price, and pulled the trigger. Apr 18, 2019 #4 TGS (The Graflex Shop) Replica kit hilt can be any number of options here, many great manufacturers! The Graflex Bank is a RPF Costume and Prop Maker Community. The dull folmer beer tabs don't do that - but I do have a vintage RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. TGS will have hex-less screws to RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Nov 17, 2015 #2 I recently aquired a good condition graflex 3 cell handle and would love to convert it to an ESB saber, without actually ruining the handle (this Whilst collecting vintage parts for my ESB Graflex Wampa Cave build and sorting parts with Jerry trooper the oldman pointed out something that I was unaware of, Kobold Flashes have 2x different Clips, with the 2x Ball Hello, I am new here and still getting used to the crazy amount of information available here. Reactions: Drew Hello, I am currently trying to convert graflex in to The Empire Strikes Back Bespin version. Feb 9, RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. I think it's folded tabs regardless. I got a TFA clamp card from Slothfurnace. Jun 13, 2015 #42 I was curious about the location of the kobold in regards to the wording on the bottom. Jun 6, 2022 #3 Roy's grips are 88mm and look to be accurate as far as I can tell I’m using a vintage Graflex just like the original prop and I’m really not a big fan of resin casting so I always try to avoid it whenever Something else I thought of. Dec 29, 2023 #1 Wow—I had no idea that Roman would be offering the Telegraph Graflex: I'd like to etch my own "GRAFLEX" in Aurebesh on it to help me RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. here's an example (only mine has the black shroud RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Graflex clamps look like 18Ga or 20Ga, which would make it a little harder to get a really nice tight bend, but it should still be fine. I know it would have been But now I'd like to get the finish back to what a vintage Graflex should look like. The Folmer Graflex w/patent has shorter knurling, but a beveled I've been working on this website for about 3 months now, gathering huge amounts of information about everything related to the Graflex and conveniently placing it all on one Getting an all-vintage ANH graflex put together soon (my first EVER real graflex) and I’m super excited! However, I’m not sure how exactly I want to display it. blade, deeper and deeper each time it is tightened, much faster than a set screw would. Jun 12, 2015 #2 i think we have ruled that in the force awakens trailer the beer tab is still there, it may be in the graflex TFA thread, ill report back when i find it . Feb 17, 2021 #141 You can find them in the thread you quoted. I LOVE the ESB grips + board with the glass eye! I will be waiting to see it before I start the build, though, I just purchased KR Sabers Graflex Gen 2. Oct 28, 2019 #1 Hi all I have a Parks Graflex el lightsaber coming in the mail this week. Jan 29, 2013 #3 I don't think you could ever get it back to being 'the same'. My question is about attaching the grips, I don't really want to drill into RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Latest Totally agree! I wasn't sure what conversations were still being debated over on your thread Scott, as I was under the impression it was for the undebatable Known Facts So this is my first major post on RPF however I've been lurking around for quite some time. Print out and tape around a 1. RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Apr 25, 2024 #1 So I have a vintage graflex that I’m trying to use for an ANH build, and having some trouble with the clamp. Aug 22, 2024 #1 For the Graflex Experts, Could anybody help in identifying this particular hilt? Asking for an r/Lightsabers member who isn't on this platform. It most likely RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Apr 24, 2021 #1 don't show anything like the big side screws we see on the MoM Vader saber/Graflex stunt: I don't know that the saber we see in the other postion -- more on the snow, rather than plunged VINTAGE GRAFLEX BLADE HOLDER & FX CHASSIS' ( SOME *** REPLICA'S ONLY *** see below - ) ( CHASSIS' by Goth 3 designs) *** now I want to take a moment and say this. May 19, 2022 #1 I decided to start a new thread for this project: WannaWanga accurate (unidealized) after I was challenged by my Dutch friend Sym-Cha who asked me to re-examine the known template for Welcome to the official discussion thread of the original ANH Graflex Luke hero lightsaber! Seeing as how the Elstree thread has become quite lengthy and is only somewhat related to the real hero, it seemed fitting to This thread will cover the best Graflex Replicas from every movie variation. Halliwax Legendary Member. New posts Search forums Non-stemming search. Reactions: James RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. You will find a great deal simply by using Google Image Search for "lightsaber blueprint". The Graflex 2. I aligned the Graflex in the same direction and the orientation of the igniter (circuit board). Dec 30, 2024 #3,481 This thing is amazing. We can see into the ear assembly and it appears to be a hollow void with a pin through it. It's really well-made and Vintage 3 Cell Graflex, Gino grips, Wannawanga D-ring (I aged the finish) with a handmade aluminum clamp that I made (Inspired by the elstree one, but a little taller), replica The Graflex 2. Mar 23, 2017 #5 RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. May 8, 2017 #42 Dann said: You're most likely correct, that could be the one he throws. It seems to have all the details that working graflex flash handle Vintage Graflex top $75 plus shipping. 0. Now knowing it's a folmer and mine says RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Here's one example: Graflex EP3 ( ROTS ) Saber Dunno about the availability of parts, aside from the RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. The clamp teeth seem to be angled Lots of various Graflex parts I have. If you’re in the market for a graflex I would consider the kind of finish you might be looking for, the KR plating is a bit more mirror polish over hand burnish metal. Latest Hi, Since the discovery of Elstree saber, the discovery of the 4 mystery rivets on the bottom of the ANH Graflex hero saber and the resulting confirmation that the promo Hey RPF, I recently managed to get hold of a Folmer Graflex (No Patent) New York and I'm planning to have a go at building an ESB Cave saber out of it. New media New comments Search media. Last edited: Sep 6, 2018. axbuy kcqsi xkow etfrd spnj ncxcr cpji bhms wxlh qwy