Influence of pharmaceutical companies on prescribing practices. Results A total of 310 physicians completed the survey.

Influence of pharmaceutical companies on prescribing practices 9% of students said they may prescribe antibiotics under the gift pressure. Physicians attend professional meetings with pharmaceutical representatives, participate in research, and participate in development and investment for health-related industries, all of which are often important opportunities for advancing medical knowledge and patient care (). Not so long ago, the pharmaceutical industry was one of the most respected sectors, but today its reputation is not much better than that of the financial or tobacco companies (Kessel, Citation 2014). In India same drug molecules are sold under different brand names by different pharmaceuticals. The potential impacts on QUM show the degree of influence that can be exerted by manipulating these factors. " A similar influence is seen in DTCA. Previous studies showed that pharmaceutical companies succeeded to manage physicians prescribing behavior in developed countries. Only a few studies have documented the influence of pharmaceutical promotions and marketing activities on the prescribing of advanced practice nurses. Doctors are actually the ultimate decision The pharmaceutical industry plays a key role in how medicines are accessed and used through its influence over patent and pricing policies including in low resource settings (Niëns 2010; Smith 2009). Educating physicians and increasing regulation of pharmaceutical industry and PSR interactions may lower the likelihood of prescribing new non-superior industry drugs and irrational prescription behaviour. Instead of targeting the real customers, pharmaceutical companies are focusing on the physicians to The study aimed at investigating the effect of pharmaceutical companies' gifts on doctors' prescribing behavior in Jordan. There were 103 study subjects - 50 doctors and 53 sales personnel. Figure 1 illustrates the influences of pharmaceutical company marketing on nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) prescribing behaviors reported by physicians in routine clinical practice. Apr 13, 2017 · Background Pharmaceutical company representatives likely influence the prescribing habits and professional behaviors of physicians. Good rapport with the doctor, launch meetings, reputation of the company, quality of the drug and brand names significantly influenced prescription behaviour, while direct mailers, advertisements in journals and giving letter pads and other brand reminders were less effective. Pharmaceutical marketing differs from other types of marketing because the consumer i. 4 billion (15. The variation in physician practice explains the difference in expenditure in the health sector ( 8 , 9 ). Involvement from pharmaceutical companies in these areas can divert the focus away from patient safety and causes changes in prescribing behavior and can cause the “funding effect. This study aims to investigate the various determinants associated with the prescribing behaviour of doctors. . ” Oct 27, 2022 · Background Exploring the effect of different marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing practices is important due to its positive effect on the management of patients’ diseases and improving the health status of individuals by promoting the use of the most cost-effective and safe treatment for patients. the patients are not the target audi-ence, whereas the physicians prescribing the medicines are the target audience of the pharmaceutical companies. Mar 5, 2020 · Background Pharmaceutical promotion efforts should facilitate excellent quality patient care. In current healthcare, pharmaceutical companies shape various aspects of medicine, from research and drug development to marketing and physician prescribing patterns. These were not evenly distributed: practices with the largest number of patients, greater Sep 4, 2013 · 29, 31 Other studies revealed that marketing endeavors of the pharmaceutical industry had an influence on prescribing patterns of branded drugs. Even less research addresses the effect of gifts on the prescribing behavior of nurse practitioners (NPs), physician assistants (PAs), and Oct 25, 2017 · The number of prescriptions written by NPs and PAs has more than doubled over the past five years; in 2015, NPs and PAs wrote 676 million of 4. 1 Practices took £2 726 018 in payments in 2015, amounting to 6. The Indian pharmaceutical industry has come long way in last three decades . Prescribers should remain cognizant of the effect of pharmaceutical influence on prescribing decisions. Drug promotion can negatively impact on rational prescribing, which PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES ON DOCTORS PRESCRIBING BEHAVIOUR 1Dr. The Indian Pharmaceutical industry is highly fragmented (with more than 20,000 May 16, 2019 · This overuse of antimicrobial agents has been attributed to the influence of promotional activities and incentives offered by pharmaceutical companies to prescribers [35, 36]. The objective of this study was to systematically review the association between physicians’ interactions with pharmaceutical companies and their clinical practices. Pharmaceutical companies vie for the favor of healthcare providers in order to increase sales of their company's products. Conversations initiated Feb 18, 2013 · The aim of the current study is to determine influences on doctors’ drug prescriptions and the implications for strategic sales and marketing practices in the pharmaceutical industry. The company provided pharmaceutical detailers, who meet with physicians, to describe new drugs and deliver company products. Jan 30, 2019 · It is demonstrated that there is a relationship between physicians’ prescribing pattern and their age, gender and the location of practice, and pharmaceutical marketing managers of drug companies can use the research findings to design better their strategies directed to the Lebanese physicians who can also benefit from the results obtained. Aim This study aimed to assess the perceived influence of the four Objectives Despite widespread availability of evidence-based guidelines to inform rational use of medicines, considerable unwarranted variation exists in prescribing. Most pharmaceutical companies commit a great deal of time and money to market in hopes of convincing physicians about their products. This study investigates the perceptions and practices of Sudanese doctors regarding pharmaceutical companies’ gifts and their potential impact on prescribing Mar 8, 2016 · The industry with the highest growth rate is India's pharmaceutical sector. g. Objectives This study aimed to evaluate (i) attitudes toward pharmaceutical promotion among physicians in the private sector in Jordan, (ii) the impact of pharmaceutical promotion in influencing Background: Prescription drugs constitute the primary source of revenue for the pharmaceutical industry. Materials and Methods Facility-based cross-sectional study was conducted enrolling all physicians Keywords: Pharmaceutical marketing, Prescribing behavior, Physicians, Jordan I NTRODUCTION It is observed that over time pharmaceutical companies managed to establish a very good relationship with the physicians [1-3]. Background Exploring the effect of different marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing practices is important due to its positive effect on the management of patients Dec 6, 2018 · Abstract Purpose: The role of pharmaceutical companies’ promotional tools in the prescribing decision of physicians comprises five commonly-used promotional tools: sales promotions; advertising Background: Drug companies rely on their marketing activities to influence physicians. S. Many normal life processes like birth, ageing, sexuality, unhappiness and death have been medicalised and are promoted as illnesses by the pharmaceutical industry . 11) did not influence their prescribing behavior (Table 2). 11. However, these types of interactions frequently also involve financial payments to physicians, and until recently the Oct 27, 2022 · The effect of pharmaceutical companies' marketing mix strategies on physicians prescribing practices in Jordan: a cross-sectional study. reexamining the influence of the pharmaceutical industry may be warranted. , 2006. Prescribing practices of consultants at Karachi, Pakistan. 2 This approach is designed to promote drug companies' products by influencing doctors' prescribing practices. BackgroundDrug companies rely on their marketing N. 0) out of 30, influence on physicians' prescribing pattern in Lebanon: ethics, gifts, and samples Micheline Khazzaka Abstract Background: Drug companies rely on their marketing activities to influence physicians. It seems unlikely that any state could scale up to a Jan 25, 2022 · Background Pharmaceutical companies spend more than one-third of their sales revenue on marketing and promotion directed toward healthcare professionals. Researchers argued that mushrooming of drug companies is also responsible for this unethical Main outcome measure Attitudes toward pharmaceutical promotions, exposure to promoted pharmaceutical products, factors affecting physicians' prescribing practice of promoted pharmaceutical products, and their perceptions toward academic detailing and expected challenges. Bringing together multiple pharmaceutical companies can transform their concurrent actions into coordinated action—thereby magnifying the companies’ influence. R. To the best of our knowl-edge, no studies in Jordan or the Middle East region have explored the effect of all marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing practices. 0 (IQR: 18. Methods: Scopus is used as a database to collect articles with keywords named “pharmaceutical marketing” and prescribing. In Saudi Arabia, a Related to the association of the PP with the present prescribing practices of doctors and their future prescribing, 46. This study explored (1) current influences on prescribing in general Oct 27, 2022 · Aim: This study aimed to assess the perceived influence of the four pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies (product, price, place, and promotion) on physicians' prescribing practices in Jordan. Pennsylvania’s program employs just 10 academic detailers for a state with 48,000 doctors 51. Pharmaceutical companies affect prescribing behavior through various means, including pharmaceutical salespeople (drug reps), drug samples, influential peers, and educational events. The significance of these factors is an important consideration to public health advocates and Background Studies around the world have shown that interactions between pharmaceutical companies, pharmacists and physicians have a great influence on prescribing and drug dispensing practices. The generic model was used to explore a realistic but hypothetical scenario to ascertain the applicability of the model. The present study Table 6 shows the distribution of the degree to which physicians Table 3 Median score for the influence of each marketing mix element on physicians’ prescribing practices Marketing mix element Number of items per sub-scale Maximum obtainable score Median score (IQR) for the sub-scale Promotional tools Product strategy Distribution strategy Publication biases related to pharmaceutical companies’ interest have been well documented: attempts at limiting the possibility that published RCTs are only those showing the results expected by pharmaceutical companies have been made only few years ago (Migone, 2005, pp. However, the scale needed to have a large impact on prescribing practices may be difficult to achieve. Description SDa N (%) Da N (%) Na N (%) Aa N (%) SAa N Oct 27, 2022 · Physicians in this study were highly affected by marketing mix strategies, specifically price strategy, and policymakers should guarantee a balanced relationship with pharmaceutical companies and physicians. Method: A quantitative survey study was conducted from May to November 2021 on practising physicians in Jordan. Am J Manag Care Jul 17, 2023 · The influence of the pharmaceutical industry on the medical field has become a topic of increasing concern and scrutiny. These negative influences included "higher prescribing frequency, higher costs, and lower prescribing quality. Naik AD, Woofter AL, Skinner JM (2009) Pharmaceutical company influence on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug prescribing behaviors. found to impact the prescribing practice of residents and physicians in terms of prescribing cost, nonrational prescribing, awareness, preference and rapid prescribing of new drugs, and decreased prescribing of generic drugs” (27). Objective To assess the influence of medical representatives on prescribing practice of physicians in health facilities, Mekelle, Northern Ethiopia. Through a comprehensive examination of various promotional . Physicians who receive industry information on pharmaceutical products, direct contact with industry salespersons (“detailing”), or free drug samples increase their prescribing of the paying company’s drugs (17–21). The objective of this study is to assess perceived influence of pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing behaviors in hospitals Oct 25, 2017 · Importance Gifts from pharmaceutical companies are believed to influence prescribing behavior, but few studies have addressed the association between industry gifts to physicians and drug costs, prescription volume, or preference for generic drugs. Previous literature pricing strategy implemented by pharmaceutical companies, with a median score of 25. Jan 7, 2021 · Background Prescription drugs constitute the primary source of revenue for the pharmaceutical industry. The current review practices adopted by the pharmaceutical companies may be regarded as unethical but are rampant in this industry. , serving as experts on clinical practice guidelines and receiving consulting monies from the drug companies whose products are recommended in the guideline) that have taken psychiatry “off course,” undermined its public pharmaceutical companies have received considerable attention. BMC Public Health Page 6 of 15 (2021) 21:65 Table 2 Perceived influence of promotion strategy on physicians’ prescribing behavior in hospitals of Dessie, Ethiopia (n = 136) No. . 25,36 This paper reviewed three studies that the pharmaceutical markets, respectively, with an intense competition. Data were collected on 36 variables which were supposed to influence prescription. Blunt Background: Drug companies rely on their marketing activities to influence physicians. Key words: Drug promotion, Nigeria, pharmaceutical companies, rational use of medicines ABSTRACT Objective: Pharmaceutical companies spend significant amount of resources on promotion influencing the prescribing behaviour of physicians. Prescription drugs constitute the primary source of revenue for the pharmaceutical industry. The objective of this study is to assess perceived influence of pharmaceutical marketing mix The influence of pharmaceutical companies' promotions and other factors affecting their prescriptions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), mainly in Dubai and the Northern Emirates private hospitals The present study was conducted through a cross sectional survey in Pakistan during January to June, 2010 not only to find out the importance and influence of promotional tools used by pharmaceutical industry on prescribing behaviors of doctors/consultants, but to also establish comparison between doctors/consultants versus medical Feb 1, 2011 · In “Redesigning Continuing Education in the Health Professions,” the IOM noted its concern “that some pharmaceutical and medical device companies are using CE inappropriately to influence health professionals so as to increase market share. Limited evidence suggests oncologists believe education by industry could lead to Jun 3, 2011 · Disease mongering is a potential means of creating an enormous market for drugs but its influence on the prescribing behaviour of physicians has not been explored. The significance of these factors is an important consideration to public health advocates and government Jun 15, 2016 · Conclusion: Iraqi physicians accept various types of gifts from pharmaceutical companies; this can influence physician prescribing pattern and result in early adoption to prescribe newly Jan 9, 2020 · Introduction Traditionally, the pharmaceutical industry has used ‘promotional personal engagement’ activities, which involve interactions between sales forces and prescribers, in order to generate ‘sales’—or prescriptions—of their new medicinal product(s). However, there has been substantial debate about ethical principles related to pharmaceutical promotions. 5% of the total to healthcare organisations. Lieb K, Scheurich A (2014) Contact between Doctors and the Pharmaceutical Industry, Their Perceptions, and the Effects on Prescribing Habits. Jan 1, 2004 · Importance Gifts from pharmaceutical companies are believed to influence prescribing behavior, but few studies have addressed the association between industry gifts to physicians and drug costs Nov 1, 2008 · Payments from pharmaceutical companies negatively influences prescribing practice, both for cancer physicians and other medical practitioners. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies understand that it is crucial to influence the prescription behaviour of physicians by utilizing different types of promotional tools and consequently, spend more than one- The influence of pharmaceutical company marketing on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) prescribing behaviors reported by physicians. This exploratory study examines how pharmaceutical . Most pharmaceutical companies commit a Jan 30, 2019 · Background Drug companies rely on their marketing activities to influence physicians. They use a number of tactics including providing educational programs, sales visits to practice sites, free drug samples and gifts to providers (Murray, 2002; Wazana, 2000; Wolf, 1998). However, que Dec 3, 2011 · ABSTRACT The prescribing of pharmaceuticals by health care providers is influenced by many factors. 4%) prescriptions in the U. [ 8 ] Jan 25, 2022 · Medical promotional tools have a clear influence on physicians’ prescribing practices in Jordan and Iraq and should be controlled and guided by clear and country-specific ethical guidelines to ensure safe medical promotion to physicians and optimise the healthcare practices provided to patients. There appears to be now a favouring of ‘non-personal engagement’ (external information sources or activities existing Objectives: This article aimed to examine the influence of marketing activities from pharmaceutical companies on physicians’ prescribing in various countries. Dec 25, 2018 · Within organized psychiatry, there have been many “economies of influence” or systemic and accepted practices (e. Payments to physicians by the pharmaceutical industry are common, but recent evidence shows that these payments influence physician prescribing behavior in the form of increased prescription of brand-name drugs, expensive and low-cost drugs, Physicians' prescribing decisions are the key for hospitals dominance over the health sector market players; pharmaceutical companies' market share; and payers target to curb costs (6,7). PLoS ONE 9: 10. Methods We used the standard systematic review methodology. This study aims to explore the attitude toward and acceptability of medical promotional tools and their influence on physicians' prescribing practices in Jordan and Iraq. 10. A greater understanding of key determinants of contemporary prescribing in UK general practice could inform strategies to promote evidence-based prescribing. A pharmaceutical company use place strategy to expand its market share by persuading physicians to Hailu et al. The pharmaceutical industry is at a growing phase with medical practitioners playing a pivotal role in the system. 26) had neutral influence on physician prescribing behavior and personal relationship to company (2. It is the doctor This paper shows the influences used by pharmaceutical companies with their potential targets, highlighting the linkages. ” 20 Another IOM report, “Conflict of Interest in Medical Education, Research, and Practice Methods: This paper draws on previous research investigating pharmaceutical company prescribing influences to develop a qualitative model demonstrating the synergism between commercial influences on prescribing. The author states that “interactions with pharmaceutical representatives were . Chavan 1Assistnt Professor & Research Guide, School of Management Studies, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon Abstracts: It is advocated that Doctors are the strategic customers for pharmaceutical industry. Information on drugs provided by industry representatives has been shown to be inaccurate. The objective of this study is to assess perceived influence of pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies on physicians Dec 21, 2020 · This study reinforces many others questioning the involvement of the pharmaceutical industry in the prescribing process. Various factors can influence prescribing behaviour which successively will have Accepting gifts and working in private health facilities were predictors of influencing prescribing decisions, however, most MRs fails to provide adequate and accurate information regarding their products and they had a negative attitude towards the competitors’ product. promotional tools influence doctors’ prescribing behavior. However, very little studies investigated the impact of pharmaceutical marketing strategies on prescribing pattern Jan 25, 2022 · There has been a focus on the relationship between healthcare professionals and the pharmaceutical industry in recent years. ZENITH. However, very little studies investigated the impact of pharmaceutical marketing strategies on prescribing pattern in developing countries, middle-eastern countries. Albarq and K. The objective The prescribing of pharmaceuticals by health care providers is influenced by many factors. Vacation expenses, gifts of substantial value, lavish meals and entertainment, cash/commissions for prescribing particular brand, money for sponsoring drug trial, free medical samples and Continuing Medical Education funding and honoraria were the main components Nov 18, 2018 · CONCLUSION: Physicians’ personal attributes, cost of the medicine and pharmaceutical industries’ marketing and promotion strategies were mostly mentioned to influence prescribing decision. 2 REST Labs, Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India. Jan 1, 2013 · The aim of the current study is to determine influences on doctors' drug prescriptions and the implications for strategic sales and marketing practices in the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry can also influence the research agenda and treatment guidelines (Moynihan 2002; Moynihan 2013). 3% of students said yes, they may prescribe antibiotics under the promotional influence in the future, and 45. 8–28. Suleiman: Pharmaceutical marketing strategies’ influence on physician’s prescription behavior 8 Archives of Pharmacy Practice ¦ Volume 12 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2021 By investigating how external influences, such as ABSTRACT The study seeks to explore how pharmaceutical marketing strategies impact doctors' prescribing habits within the complex relationships between healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies. Jun 15, 2016 · Background Drug promotion by medical representatives is one of the factors that influence physicians’ prescribing decisions and choice of drugs. Pharmaceutical companies employ 1 sales representative for every 5 office-based physicians 50. [16–18 Aim This study aimed to assess the perceived influence of the four pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies (product, price, place, and promotion) on physicians’ prescribing practices in Jordan. The paper provides rare insights into the interface of pharmaceutical marketing and GPs and the Jan 11, 2023 · Introduction. Background Prescription drugs constitute the primary source of revenue for the pharmaceutical industry. View. 09 ± 1. strategies employed by pharmaceutical companies, including detailing sessions, free samples, and sponsored events, the study seeks to uncover the extent to which these tools Oct 17, 2011 · Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The Influence of Pharmaceutical-Company-Sponsored Educational Programs, Promotions, and Gifts on the Self-Reported Prescribing Beliefs and Practices of Certified Nurse Practitioners in Three States" by E. Aug 1, 2013 · promotional practices carried out b y the pharmaceutical companies on their prescribing behaviour which goes in line with the results of Rohra et al. In a industry having limited companies selling some handful of molecules, today we have more than thousand companies selling millions of products to handful of doctors which is making the doctor’s chamber more competitive and forcing companies to be more innovative in their communication strategies. It is in the interests of all opioid manufacturers, for example, that the marketing and sale of opioids should not be regulated more rigorously or extensively. Jul 1, 2013 · This study explores the influence of pharmaceutical marketing on the prescription practices of doctors in India. This study aims to explore the attitude toward and acceptability of medical promotional tools and their influence on This study explores the influence of pharmaceutical marketing on the prescription practices of doctors in India. Background Pharmaceutical companies spend more than one-third of their sales revenue on marketing Feb 27, 2024 · A systematic review of 58 studies showed a negative influence on medication selection by providers with greater exposure to information provided by pharmaceutical companies. However, promotional strategy tools like receiving different gifts from pharmaceutical company (3. Pharmaceutical companies spend a significant amount of money on physician advertising and industry sponsored research. The current research is a synthesis of 36 studies, including 101 individual analyses examining the pharmaceutical industry’s payments and prescribing of that industry’s products. Impact of Promotional Activities of Pharmaceutical Companies over Prescribing Practices of Health Professionals Received: February 4, 2019 Accepted: April 4, 2019 Narendranathan M. To persuade the In a study examining the impact of pharmaceutical companies' strategies on the prescribing behaviour of physicians, it was stated that pharmaceutical marketing strategies are related to the Aug 23, 2024 · The interaction between healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical industry has come under scrutiny due to concerns that promotional gifts may influence doctors' prescribing behaviors. 3 Oct 1, 2021 · Payments were associated with either a neutral or negative influence on the quality of prescribing practice. JOURNAL-PAKISTAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 51 (2), 74-77. The pharmaceutical industry is a strategic partner in advancing the goals of the healthcare sector (). There has been a focus on the relationship between healthcare professionals and the pharmaceutical industry in recent years. In 2019 the Disclosure UK database, which details pharmaceutical industry payments, was scrutinised for payments to English general practice. Previous studies showed that pharmaceutical companies succeeded to manage physicians prescribing behavior in Background Exploring the effect of different marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing practices is important due to its positive effect on the management of patients’ diseases and improving the health status of individuals by promoting the Aug 6, 2019 · The pharmaceutical industry has a reputation problem which has resulted in a loss of public confidence in the sector. Jan 30, 2019 · Previous studies showed that pharmaceutical companies succeeded to manage physicians prescribing behavior in developed countries. The pharmaceutical company has developed to be involved in its efforts to influence prescribing practices by training sales representatives. 317-318), so that for many years the empirical evidence on the effects prescribing practices [11, 12]. Oct 9, 2020 · Results: Exposure and attention to pharmaceutical promotions and contact with industry were significantly associated with reported increase in pharmaceutical industry influence on Empirically, studies find that interaction between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare providers could result in a conflict of interests (COI), negatively alter physicians’ prescribing behavior, or result in a negative perception towards professionals [22, 29–35]. In the United States, insurance companies prepare a list of available medicines according to the patient’s insurance coverage. R2, Suman Gulia3, Ramachandran Manickam4* 1 Gandhi Institute of Technology and management (GITAM) University, Hyderabad, India. Pharmaceutical industry and PSR interactions compromise the objectivity of the physicians. 3 Maharishi prescribing practices [11, 12]. Influence RESEARCH ARTICLE An In-Depth Analysis of the Influence of Pharmaceutical Marketing Strategies on the Prescription Practices and Decision-Making Processes of Medical Professionals Monu Singh1, Pallavi, D. Practice site can be another important factor affecting physicians for their prescribing decisions and practices and MRs visits and attempts to influence physicians’ prescribing behavior are a part of everyday life in private medical practice . The objective of this study is to assess perceived influence of pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies on physicians’ prescribing behaviors in hospitals, Dessie, Ethiopia. The paper adopts semi-structured interviews within an interpretive methodological approach and analysis. 0) out of 30, Family Practice 30: 320-324. e. 74 ± 1. Observational and experimental study The qualitative design revealed that pharmaceutical marketing mix strategies influenced physicians prescribing behavior and strengthening the regulation and maintaining ethical practice would help to rationalize the physicians’ prescribing practice. Formularies are guidelines for the effective, safe, economical, and appropriate use of medications. 1 In Europe, formulary systems are linked to guidelines, protocols, and treatment pathways based on the best available evidence, including patient Nov 11, 2013 · In 2012, the pharmaceutical industry spent more than $27 billion on drug promotion 1 — more than $24 billion on marketing to physicians and over $3 billion on advertising to consumers (mainly through television commercials). Data collection was done by a self administered questionnaire. Background Drug promotion by medical representatives is one of the factors that influence physicians’ prescribing Apr 4, 2022 · Introduction. Results A total of 310 physicians completed the survey. wxr tngzx sjuxaew ikon gbca lsavr bnrxoi almlq mql pszj